Context Switching on Slack kills Productivity.

Mayank Mishra
2 min readJun 25, 2021

Slack is a very useful communication platform, but organizing team communication takes a lot of your time and to manage it, teams go back and forth with project management and ticketing tools.

Context switching has emerged as one of the biggest Pain-Point for users.

They are confused about who is doing what. Forgetting your own tasks or confusing one task with another is another pitfall. Team members ask each other about the updates on multiple channels and the information is often lost or remains invisible.

If you are not sure about your own company, don’t worry you are not alone!

Poppins is a productivity app on Slack, inspired by the founder’s own experience at work, using Slack for more than a year.

Poppins helps teams to create end-to-end visibility of executions.

Poppins allows to convert any Slack message into an “Action item” or a “Discussion Topic”, relevant people are made as Owners or Collaborators helping them to take it up.

When someone takes up an item, it becomes an “In-progress item” visible for everyone in the team.



Mayank Mishra

Top Voice of Product Design on Linkedin | Sr. User Experience Designer | NID | UX | UI | Ex-IITB | Ondeck